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Document/Image Storage and Retrieval


Rosetta Technologies, Inc.

PreVIEW is an interactive product data viewer designed for theengineering and manufacturing environments. PreVIEW can work with productdata management systems (PDMs) which are databases that contain, organizeand maintain data and information related to a product. It enables usersto exchange this information electronically, regardless of the computerplatform or software application, providing a more efficient process foraccessing and using the information. PreVIEW provides the capabilities toview 3-D vector data, make annotations to the design without changing theoriginal, fully interpret designs by generating new views, anddiscrimination entities and layers, or measuring geometry.PreVIEW benefits include:* Facilitates communications among all participants, including suppliersand customers, involvedin the design, manufacturing and support of the profuct, while protectingthe integrity of theoriginal data* Shortens time to market by reducing design iterations and increasingmanufacturability* Facilitates and steamlines change review process* Enables user(s) to extract and use information from original data* Supports the full spevtrum of platforms, including Windows, Macintosh,and UNIX* Easy to install and maintaiin on the network* Harnesses the power of existing networks* Adheres to prevailing graphics and data standards* Integrates seamlessly with leading product dat management tools,including Sherpa, IBM,

Language: C
Source Avail: No
Product Special Handling: MC68881 FPC, color workstation or color monitor
Operating Systems: Solaris Sparc 1.0,2.1,2.3

Rosetta Technologies, Inc.
15220 NW Greenbrier Pky Suite 300
Beaverton, OR 97006
Phone: (503) 690-2500
Fax: (503) 531-0401